Budget 2018 – a quick analysis on what it means for disabled people

In the 2018 budget, new funding of about $460 million over five years will directly benefit the lives of disabled people and children/young people across the Health, Education and Disability portfolios.

In addition there is a commitment of over $56 million to the inquiry into abuse of children in state care.  While the inquiry’s scope will be broader than disabled people it is already known that disabled people were disproportionately affected by the abuse that occurred in state care. 


In this Budget, we have calculated that there will be an additional $249.323 million invested over the next five years that will directly benefit children and young people with disabilities and progress their learning and achievement.


The budget has also injected $210.628 million into the Health budget to address funding challenges in the disability support system.

Participation in the United Nations Committee

New Zealander Robert Martin sits on the UN Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. With all his advocacy experience and lived experience of disability, and being the first person with a learning disability to become a representative on the UN Committee, Robert enhances the role of the Committee, and is a strong role model for all New Zealanders. In this year’s budget, $325,000 over three years has been allocated to ensure Robert has the support he needs to fully participate in the work of the UN Committee.

Inclusiveness of disabled people in key policy work cross-government

The Disability Portfolio has a relatively small appropriation. Progress for disabled people will be achieved through the portfolios of other Ministers and their commitment to disabled people through disability specific policy and through ensuring the needs of disabled people are considered in all key policy work.

The Minister for Disability Issues and the Office for Disability Issues takes a lead role in promoting an understanding among, and providing advice to, government departments on disability issues.

Full Budget information is available here: https://treasury.govt.nz/publications/budgets/budget-2018

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