More helpful health, social, and disability related services
Learn about various helpful health, social, and disability related services
This page is made possible by Healthpoint external URL .
You can can also visit Firstport external URL external URL which provides both funded and non-funded disability information and advice.
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- Referral
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Māngere East
372 Massey Road, Māngere East, Auckland
021 134 9092
- Make an appointment
- Referral
- Walk in
531 Welcome Bay Road, RD 5, Tauranga
(07) 544 9981
Wheelchair access
- Make an appointment
- Referral
64 Mascot Avenue, Māngere, Auckland
(09) 255 5470
Wheelchair access
- Walk in
- Anyone can access
- Enrolled patients
- Casual (not enrolled) patients
- Referral
- Make an appointment
- No appointment required
- Whānau bubbles
150 Pound Street, Coromandel
(07) 866 8358
Wheelchair access
Wheelchair accessible toilet
Mobility parking space
Quiet, low sensory environment
Support to make decisions
Assistance to move around
More space to move around
- Referral
Ohomairangi Trust external URL
Opening Hours
Open today.
08:30 AM to 05:30 PM
Whaioranga Trust external URL
Opening Hours
Open today.
08:30 AM to 04:30 PM
Te Oranga Kaumatua Kuia Disability Support Services Trust external URL
Opening Hours
Open today.
08:30 AM to 05:00 PM
Coromandel Independent Living Trust external URL
Opening Hours
Open today.
08:30 AM to 03:00 PM
Freedom Medical Alarms external URL
Opening Hours
Open today.
08:00 AM to 05:00 PM