Who is involved in making it work

Achieving the vision and outcomes of the Strategy will take all New Zealanders working together. With rights there also come responsibilities, for everyone.

There are also some key groups who have particular responsibilities under the Strategy. They are:

  • Disabled people, families, whānau, allies and the disability community and sector – providing input through governance, independent perspectives and public consultation.
  • Cabinet – responsible for considering regular reports and making decisions on implementation of the Strategy through the Disability Action Plan.
  • Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues – supports co-ordination of implementation across government.
  • Independent Monitoring Mechanism – responsible for providing an independent perspective on implementation of the Strategy.
  • Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues (and Senior Officials Group) and Disabled People’s Organisations – responsible for governance and coordination of the Disability Action Plans.
  • Government agencies – responsible for implementing the Strategy according to the priorities agreed in the Disability Action Plan.
  • All New Zealanders – breaking down the barriers of a disabling society and supporting implementation of the Strategy.
  • Local Territorial Authorities (City, District and Regional Councils) – consider their responsibility for disabled people in the space they oversee, in line with the Strategy and the Convention.
  • Private sector, businesses and Non-Governmental Organisations – ensure their business as usual is inclusive and responsive to disabled people on an equal basis with others.

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