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On this page you can find copyright, disclaimer and privacy statements about this website.


Crown copyright ©. Copyright material on this website is protected by copyright owned by the Ministry of Social Development on behalf of the Crown.

Unless indicated otherwise for specific items or collections of content (either below or within specific items or collections), this copyright material is licensed for re-use under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International Licence . In essence, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt the material, as long as you attribute it to the Ministry of Social Development and abide by the other licence terms.

Please note that this licence does not apply to any logos, emblems, trademarks, photography or imagery on the website or to the website’s design elements. Those specific items may not be re-used without express permission.    


The information provided on this Ministry of Social Development website is intended to provide general information to the public and all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information set out in this website is accurate. However, visitors to this website are advised that:

  • The information provided does not replace or alter the laws of New Zealand or any other official guidelines or requirements.
  • The contents of this website should not be construed as legal advice. Before relying on any information in this website users should independently verify its relevance for their purposes.
  • The Ministry may change, delete, add to, or otherwise amend information contained on this website without notice.
  • The Ministry is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Linking is for convenience only and should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. The Ministry cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and has no control over availability of the linked pages.
  • The Ministry does not implicitly or impliedly endorse any website, organisation, or people who have off-site links to the Ministry’s website.

Privacy Statement

You may browse and access information contained within this website without providing any personal information. Where you voluntarily provide personal information (e.g. through online forms or email requests), we will only use that information to communicate with you.

We will keep any such information secure and will not disclose it to any third parties. To view any personal information held by us, or if you have any concerns about personal information that we hold and wish to request its correction, you can email us or write to us at:

The Chief Executive Ministry of Social Development

PO Box 12136, Thorndon, Wellington 6144, New Zealand

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