Survey data

Surveys are another common source of disability data. Unlike administrative data that is collected as part of a programme or service’s operations, survey data is collected directly from a sample of respondents, which in many cases is representative of the whole of New Zealand population. The survey’s quality can be affected by sampling methodology.

There are a number of surveys in New Zealand that collect disability data, with many using the Washington Group Short Set (WGSS) of questions which are considered to be the minimum requirements to effectively collect survey data and allow outcomes to be compared for disabled and non-disabled people.

The New Zealand Disability Survey uses a much longer set of questions and can be used to estimate disability prevalence in New Zealand. The last New Zealand Disability Survey was run in 2013, and the next will run in 2023.

Examples of reports

  • Statistics NZ Disability page - Disability survey, labour market, wellbeing statistics
    The Disability statistics topic page gives links to wider information about disabled people living in New Zealand. This includes links to the 2013 Disability Survey, and the most recent disability statistics releases from other Stats NZ sources.

  • Statistics NZ - General Social Survey
    The General Social Survey is used to provide information on the wellbeing of New Zealanders aged 15 years and over. It covers a wide range of social and economic outcomes, and shows how people in different groups within the New Zealand population are faring.

  • Statistics NZ - Census
    Census data provides the official count of the people and dwellings in New Zealand. Every five years, the Census of Population and Dwellings surveys everyone in New Zealand.Find the latest statistics from the 2018 Census, and information about how it was produced.

  • Statistics NZ - Te Kupenga
    Te Kupenga gives a picture of the social, cultural, and economic wellbeing of Māori in New Zealand, including information from a Māori cultural perspective.

  • Statistics NZ – Measuring inequality for disabled New Zealanders
    Measuring inequality for disabled New Zealanders: 2018 compares a range of home, economic, and social outcomes for disabled and non-disabled people in New Zealand.

  • Statistics NZ – Child Poverty Statistics: Year ended 2020
    Child poverty statistics provide estimates of low income and material hardship rates for measures listed in the Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018.

  • NZ Health Survey
    The New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) provides information about the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders. The NZHS became a continuous survey in 2011, enabling the publication of annual updates on the health of New Zealanders.

  • Ministry of Justice - Crime and Victims Survey
    The New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey collects information about New Zealanders’ experience of crime. This new survey will run every year from 2018 asking 8,000 New Zealanders from all walks of life about their experiences. It includeds analysis on victimisation of disabled people.

  • Ministry of Health – Disability Support Services Demographics Report
    This publication presents aggregated demographic information about the disabled people who have been allocated Ministry of Health funded disability supports during a 12-month period to September 2018. The report presents demographics relating to specific service types including home and community support, carer support, supported living, respite, behaviour support, choices in community living, individualised funding, enhanced individualised funding, funded family care, community residential, younger people in aged residential care, day services and high and complex framework. The report also presents the demographic information by specific disability types including physical, intellectual, autism spectrum disorder, neurological and sensory disabilities, and includes some comparisons with the Ministry’s disability demographic report published in 2016.

  • Ministry of Social Development – Growing Up in New Zealand Survey – Wellbeing Survey Part 1: Health and Wellbeing (PDF)
    The purpose of this report is to provide a snapshot of the health and wellbeing of New Zealand children aged 10-11 years during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the associated lockdown in 2020. The report presents findings from an opportunistic bespoke COVID-19 Wellbeing Survey of 2421 children from the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal cohort study.

  • Ministry of Social Development – Growing Up in New Zealand Survey – Wellbeing Survey Part 2: Education (PDF)
    The purpose of this report is to provide a snapshot of the education of New Zealand children aged 10-11 years during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the associated lockdown in 2020. The report presents findings from an opportunistic bespoke COVID-19 Wellbeing Survey of 2421 children from the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal cohort study.

  • Health Quality and Safety Commission – Healthcare experience of disabled people during COVID-19
    Analysis of a patient experience survey run by HQSC in June and July 2020 looking at the experience of disabled people in Aotearoa New Zealand hospitals and primary care

  • Workforce and Te Taunaki | Public Service Census Disability Data
    Te Taunaki | Public Service Census 2021 collected information on disabled peoples’ experiences of working in the Public Service using the Washington Group Short Set of Questions. This gives us important information and insights that haven’t previously been available and supports understanding of the barriers and opportunities experienced by disabled people in the Public Service, and to inform actions that will progress the inclusion and equity kaupapa.

  • Waitangi Tribunal – Māori Health Disability Statistics Report (PDF)
    This publication presents aggregated demographic information about the people with disabilities who have been allocated Ministry of Health funded disability supports during a 12-month period to September 2018. The report presents demographics relating to specific service types including home and community support, carer support, supported living, respite, behaviour support, choices in community living, individualised funding, enhanced individualised funding, funded family care, community residential, younger people in aged residential care, day services and high and complex framework. The report also presents the demographic information by specific disability types including physical, intellectual, autism spectrum disorder, neurological and sensory disabilities, and includes some comparisons with the Ministry’s disability demographic report published in 2016.

  • Be Lab - Access 2020 report
    To gain a deeper understanding of exactly which aspects of society are not accessible, and where the biggest improvement could be made, Be Lab worked with research agency Cogo to survey nearly 1,500 New Zealanders on the accessibility of public activities and events as well as attitudes and social norms around accessibility.  

  • NZ Council for Educational Research-  What’s happening in our English-medium primary schools (PDF)
    Findings of the 2019 survey run by NZCER. Run every three years, it surveys principals, teachers, trustees, and parents at a random sample of Englishmedium primary schools to provide a national picture of what is happening in teaching and learning. This allows comparisons and tracking of how things change over time.

  • Sport NZ - Active New Zealand - spotlight on disability (PDF)
    This is the first spotlight report on participation in play, active recreation and sport from Active NZ, following the release of the Active NZ Main Report in June 2018. 6 It focuses on understanding the impact of disability on participation by highlighting the differences (and similarities) between disabled and non-disabled people’s participation. It is not intended to comment on the prevalence of disabled people and their specific impairments.

  • University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, University of Otago, AUT  - A Youth19 Brief: Young People with Disabilities (PDF)
    The Youth19 survey is the latest in the Aotearoa NZ Youth2000 series of health and wellbeing surveys. This report includes key data for Youth19 participants who have a disability. 



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