Employing disabled people

This section has links to tools for employers, including State Sector agencies, so they can employ more disabled people.

LEAD Toolkit

The LEAD Toolkit was developed to help State Sector agencies take a lead on employing disabled people. It focuses on the practical things that State Sector agencies can to do increase the employment of disabled people. This includes advice that covers all stages in the employment cycle and advice specific to managers.

You can find more information on the LEAD Toolkit on the State Services Commission website .

Making the recruitment process inclusive

Key fact: 45% of disabled people are employed compared with 72% of non-disabled adults.

The FAQ factsheet has been developed to provide practical advice to Managers and Human Resource staff to ensure their recruitment process is inclusive.

Download the FAQ fact sheet on the recruitment process [DOCX, 36 KB]

Providing reasonable accommodation for employees

One of the areas that people often ask about is “reasonable accommodation.” A fact sheet for employers and disabled employees and potential employees will assist in answering questions you may have on “reasonable accommodation.”

Information about reasonable accommodation in employment - for employers [DOCX, 74 KB]

Information about reasonable accommodation in employment - for employees [DOCX, 76 KB]

Information about reasonable accommodation in employment - more detail [DOCX, 81 KB]

Further information on reasonable accommodation generally is available from the Office of the Ombudsman.

Reasonable Accommodation Guide focussing on persons with disabilities


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