Works for Me

Watch a video to hear from employers who recognise that people with disabilities can have a positive impact on the culture and success of their business.

Employing a person with a disability doesn’t have to be a big deal – the majority of disabled people easily fit into the workforce without much fuss.

The Think Differently campaign partnered with the Employers’ Disability Network (EDN) and Attitude Pictures to produce a DVD for employers – 'Works for Me'.

The people interviewed in this DVD are employers who recognise that people with disability – like any other good employees – can have a positive impact on the culture and success of their business.

This DVD is for employers, chambers of commerce and employment groups. It features employees in a range of occupations – from lawyers and IT specialists to car groomers and administration workers.

Note: The Think Differently campaign was run by the Ministry of Social Development for five years until mid-2015.


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