New Zealand Sign Language version

This section presents the New Zealand Disability Strategy 2001 interpreted into New Zealand Sign Language.

Read the New Zealand Disability Strategy 2001 in another format    

New Zealand Sign Language videos of the New Zealand Disability Strategy 2001



Vision of a non-disabling society


Delivering the Strategy

The Government's objectives       

Actions introduction

Objective 1: Encourage and educate for a non-disabling society

Objective 2: Ensure rights for disabled people

Objective 3: Provide the best education for disabled people

Objective 4: Provide opportunities in employment and economic development for disabled people

Objective 5: Foster leadership by disabled people

Objective 6: Foster an aware and responsive public service

Objective 7: Create long-term systems centred on the individual

Objective 8: Support quality living in the community for disabled people

Objective 9: Support lifestyle choices, recreation and culture for disabled people

Objective 10: Collect and use relevant information about disabled people and disability issues

Objective 11: Promote participation of disabled Maori

Objective 12: Promote participation of disabled Pacific peoples

Objective 13: Enable disabled children and youth to lead full and active lives

Objective 14: Promote participation of disabled women in order to improve their quality of life

Objective 15: Value families, whanau and people providing ongoing support

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