2016 Annual Report

Under the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, section 8, the Minister for Disability Issues is required to report to Parliament by the end of each calendar year on progress in implementing the New Zealand Disability Strategy.

Download the 2016 Report

Download Word version - Minister's report on the implementation of the 2001 New Zealand Disability Strategy [DOCX, 648 KB]

Download Pdf version - Minister's report on the implementation of the 2001 New Zealand Disability Strategy [PDF, 1.6 MB]


Minister’s foreword 


Section one: Key achievements in 2016 

The launch of the New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016-2026 

Accession to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

Extension of the Enabling Good Lives approach 

The Christchurch demonstration of the EGL approach 

The Waikato demonstration of the EGL approach 

The National EGL Leadership Group 

The approval of the New Zealand Sign Language Board’s three-year Action Plan and the completion of the New Zealand Sign Language Fund’s second funding round 

The implementation of the Disability Data and Evidence Working Group work programme 

Section two: Progress against the Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 

The implementation of the Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 

Increase employment and economic opportunities 

Transform the disability support system 

Ensure personal safety 

Promote access in the community 

Section three: Looking forward to 2017 and beyond 

The development of the Outcomes Framework and the Disability Data and Evidence Plan 

The update of the Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 

Appendix one: Governance arrangement for disability issues 

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