NZDS Revision Reference Group - Terms of Reference

This page provides the terms of reference for the New Zealand Disability Strategy Revision Reference Group which were agreed on 9 February 2016.


  1. The Reference Group will support the revision of the New Zealand Disability Strategy (NZDS) by providing strategic and expert advice on the:
    public engagement process for revising the Strategy; and,
    the overall structure and content of the new Strategy.
  2. The Reference Group will ensure the diversity of the disability community is reflected in this advice.
  3. The Office for Disability Issues is leading the revision of the Strategy.
  4. All 14 members bring expertise and leadership in working within the disability sector, providing strategic advice, building connections between the government and the community sector and skill in collaborative approaches. The Reference Group includes members who bring the perspectives of Māori, Pasifika, older people, young people, families and service providers.
  5. The majority of members are disabled people. The Reference Group also includes members who have family members with disability and identify as allies of the disability community.
  6. Members are either representative of or formally represent a particular community or group and it is recognised that for some, this may change over time (e.g. the requirements for those members who formally represent a community or group may be different at different stages of the revision).
  7. It is expected that there will be continuity in members participating in the Reference Group (that is the same person will attend each meeting). However delegates can be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Co-Chairs.
  8. The Reference Group will:
    a)     operate for the duration of the Strategy revision
    b)     draw on personal knowledge and networks in disability
    c)      work together as a collective, ensuring the Reference Group’s conduct is respectful and inclusive of all members
    d)     seek consensus in discussions
    e)     develop a shared understanding on how the Reference Group will work together, with the Office for Disability Issues, and other stakeholders.
    f)      Members should be confident in exploring creative and flexible ways of providing input to the revision of the NZDS.
    g)     Members may also participate directly in the public engagement and consultation, including by actively promoting the public engagement through their own networks and attending meetings.
  9. Input from the Reference Group will inform advice from the Office for Disability Issues (as lead for this work) to the Steering Group for the revision of the Strategy (the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues), as well as the Minister for Disability Issues and other Ministers and government agencies.
  10. The Office for Disability Issues will ensure that input from the Reference Group is always clearly referenced in advice to the Steering Group and others.
  11. Cabinet will provide final approval for the revised Strategy.
  12. The work of the Reference Group will be not be confidential and it is expected that all members will be able to discuss progress with any interested stakeholders. The Office for Disability Issues will make sure that the Reference Group members have access to information about progress that is easy to share and distribute, this includes making sure a summary of each meeting is available publically.
  13. In discussing progress and the work of the Reference Group, all members will take care to ensure discussion is not taken out of context or mistakenly attributed to any other member.
  14. From time to time some information discussed by the Reference Group will need to be treated as confidential. This will be clearly stated at each meeting and reflected in a confidential (i.e. not public) summary of the meeting.
  15. The Reference Group will be co-chaired by the Director of the Office for Disability Issues and one member who identifies as a disabled person.
  16. The Office for Disability Issues will: provide administrative support to the Reference Group; ensure reasonable accommodation is provided; pay meeting fees to each member at $250 per day (GST exclusive) in accordance with the Cabinet Office Circular Fees framework for members appointed to bodies in which the Crown has an interest; pay for the reasonable costs of members’ participation with the Reference Group (such as travel to meetings, NZSL interpretation, or other type of support).
  17. Approval in advance will be required from the Office for Disability Issues before any arrangements for members are made or costs incurred.

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