Text description of Figure 3 interconnections of outcomes

This is the same diagram of the eight outcome areas which forms part of Figure 1.

In the middle is a circle with the words Outcomes – All outcomes are interconnected. There are eight circles which are connected to this central circle by spokes, like on a wheel.

The eight circles represent each of the eight outcome areas. Each circle contains a simple icon representing the outcome area, and its title. In clock-wise fashion they are:

  • Education – this has a book as its icon
  • Employment and economic security – this has a computer as its icon
  • Health and wellbeing – this has a heart as its icon
  • Rights protection and justice – this has a set of old-fashioned scales as its icon
  • Accessibility – this has the United Nations symbol for accessibility as its icon (this is a stick figure representing a person with circles for hands and feet that are all connected by an outer circle)
  • Attitudes – this has head and shoulder outlines of three people as its icon. The centre person is heavily outlined and the two behind sit behind their left and right shoulders
  • Choice and control – this has two curved lines that cross over in the middle, and they both have arrows that point to the right (to the centre of the diagram) as its icon
  • Leadership – this has a handshake as its icon

This diagram is intended to demonstrate that there is no hierarchy to the outcomes they are all of equal importance.

Read Outcome 1: Education

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