
The Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues provides overall decision making and accountability for the Plan, including agreeing to priorities and recommendations to Cabinet.

Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues

The Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues provides overall decision making and accountability for the Plan, including agreeing to priorities and recommendations to Cabinet.

Separately, the Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues meets annually with the Independent Monitoring Mechanism to review progress with disability issues. This meeting provides an opportunity for an independent perspective to be provided on implementation of the CRPD and the New Zealand Disability Strategy, as well as the Plan.

Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues and Disabled People’s Organisations

Implementation of the Plan is jointly overseen by the Disabled People’s Organisations and the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues. Every three months, the Disabled People’s Organisations meets with the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues to review progress with implementation and discuss experiences with the working together. Decisions on the Plan are made at these governance meetings.

Senior Officials Group on Disability Issues and Disabled People’s Organisations

In addition, management of the Plan is provided by regular meetings between the Disabled People’s Organisations and senior officials (who support the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues). These meetings discuss any emerging issues with the Plan before they are discussed with the Chief Executives’ Group.

Appendix 2 has a diagram that illustrates the governance arrangement for cross-government action on disability issues.

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