Action - Work with private sector partners to progress employment of disabled people


The action outlined below will help achieve this outcome. This work was started under the existing Disability Action Plan. 

3. Priority: Increase the number of employers who are confident in employing disabled people, with the public sector taking a lead

3 B: Work with private sector partners to progress employment of disabled people in the private sector.

Update on progress (September 2018)

Status: On track - Green


In sum: Members of the DEF have met with the Minister and briefed her about this research project. The DEF has advocated for the development of an employment strategy for disabled people which includes specific strategies for employers to resolve issues highlighted in the research project.

Action on Milestones

Develop and agree communications plan (March – April 2016) [Complete]

Process to select research provider (March – May 2016) [Complete]

  • Malatest International chosen and the research completed.

Research project (June – August 2016) [Completed]

  • The research project key findings were:
    • There are a number of employers who are already committed to employing disabled people.
    • There are many willing employers who are unaware of the employment potential of disabled people, and the supports available.
    • Employers are not disinterested but are unlikely to take action alone without support from Supported Employment Services.
    • Increasing employment for disabled people requires systemic change: Actions are required from all parts of the system.
    • There are tensions between objectives focused on exit from benefit and objectives focused on sustainable employment.
    • We need to reduce the plethora of different documents providing information and advice to employers.
    • We need to align our efforts from the NGO and Government sector to work with employers and their organisations to proide easier access to information and practical support from employers.

Report to be delivered by the end of November 2016 [Complete]

  • We have used the research findings to draft a consistent set of messages to employers to distribute across employer networks (eg. A3 Sheet, etc).

Pilot actions or approaches (TBC) following research phase (December 2017) [On-going]

  • Development of a White Paper which highlights the current issues facing employers in increasing the employment of disabled people and the necessity to develop a co-designed mechanism based on an Employment Strategy for all New Zealanders including disabled people.

Develop proposals for new funding (TBC) [Unknown]

  • Date TBC following delivery of above actions.


Lead: Ministry of Social Development

DPOs contact: Deaf Aotearoa

Others: Blind Citizens

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