Measuring progress

It is a priority for the Government that progress toward implementing the Strategy remains on track. To monitor this, an Outcomes Framework is currently under development.

The Outcomes Framework will outline how we will monitor progress against the Strategy.

The framework will specify:

  • the targets and indicators (including for each outcome and the principles and approaches where appropriate)
  • where the information comes from
  • how often it will be collected
  • who is responsible for collecting it
  • where proxies are needed and how information gaps will be addressed. (Note: ‘proxy’ or ‘proxies’ means ‘something similar’. Proxy indicators are used when the required data is not available, so a similar indicator is used instead.)

The Outcomes Framework will also help make sure there is continuous learning and improvement prior to a final evaluation of the Strategy in 2026.

Every year, the Minister for Disability Issues will report publicly to Parliament on the progress made to implement the Strategy against the Outcomes Framework. This will meet the requirement for the Minister to report under the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000. The reports will also be submitted to Cabinet to ensure they inform the development and update of Disability Action Plans.

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