Enabling Good Lives

Enabling Good Lives is a partnership between government agencies and the disability sector aimed at long term transformation of how disabled people and families are supported to live everyday lives.

On this page....

The Enabling Good Lives approach is based on supporting disabled people's access to everyday life in everyday places, rather than focusing on 'special' places or activities for disabled people with a vision that:

'In the future, disabled children and adults and their families will have greater choice and control over their supports and lives, and make more use of natural and universally available supports.'

Key messages about Enabling Good Lives

You can read the key messages about Enabling Good Lives.     

Find out about the Enabling Good Lives demonstrations

Visit the Enabling Good Lives website for information on:

  • the demonstrations in Christchurch and the Waikato
  • the Enabling Good Lives approach
  • the National Leadership team.

Go to the Enabling Good Lives website

Read the Questions and Answers (2013) about the Christchurch demonstration

Enabling Good Lives Christchurch demonstration - Phase 1 Evaluation Report [DOCX, 400 KB]

Enabling Good Lives Waikato demonstration - Phase 1 Evaluaiton Report [DOCX, 2.1 MB]

Phase Two Evaluation Reports for Christchurch and Waikato Enabling Good Lives demonstrations are now available

The Minister for Disability Issues has released the phase two evaluation reports for the Enabling Good Lives demonstrations in Christchurch and Waikato.

You can read the Minister's media statement here .

The evaluations show that disabled people, and their families, value having greater choice, control and flexibility over the support they receive to live a good life. The evaluations provide valuable information to feed into the nationwide transformation of the disability support system beginning in April 2017.

The transformation is based on the Enabling Good Lives vision and principles, and is informed by evidence of ‘what works’. Roll out begins in Mid-Central (Palmerston North), where disabled people and their families will access government funded disability support through transformed Needs Assessment and Service Coordination services. The transformed system also includes a new social investment approach.

The evaluations.


Background information about Enabling Good Lives

Find out how the Enabling Good Lives approach started and the Government's commitment to progressing the initiative.

You can also read the report from the Social Services Select Committee's 2008 inquiry into the quality of care and service provision for disabled people and the Government's response.


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