EGL background information

Read about the Enabling Good Lives approach to transforming the disability support system, where it started and how it has progressed.

The Government has recognised the need and broad direction for change to the disability support system. This recognition has been through the New Zealand Disability Strategy, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its response to the Social Services Select Committee's 2008 inquiry into the quality of care and service provision for people with disabilities.

How Enabling Good Lives started

In 2011, the Minister for Disability Issues, Hon Tariana Turia, invited the Ministries of Social Development and Health to work with an independent working group of disability sector stakeholders to develop a 'clean sheet' approach to community participation and day services for disabled people. The process of meetings and discussions over several months was facilitated by the Office for Disability Issues. The report from the independent working group was completed in August 2011. In October 2011, Minister Turia asked officials to engage with the disability sector on how to take the 'Enabling Good Lives' approach further.

In 2012, the Ministries of Social Development and Health worked with disability sector organisations to test the 'Enabling Good Lives' approach in Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton in consultation.      

Download - Enabling Good Lives August 2011 report [DOC, 217 KB]

Download - EasyRead version of the Enabling Good Lives August 2011 report [DOCX, 2.9 MB]

Watch - NZSL version of the Enabling Good Lives August 2011 report              

September 2012 - Ministerial Committee agreement to vision and principles for long-term change

In September 2012, the Ministerial Commitee agreed to the Enabling Good Lives approach, which is based on an agreed vision and long-term principles for changing the disability support system.      

Download the vision, principles to guide change, and long-term change directions in the Disability Action Plan 2012 [DOC, 44 KB]  

July 2013 - Cabinet decisions on an Enabling Good Lives demonstration in Christchurch

In July 2013, Cabinet agreed to a three-year demonstration of Enabling Good Lives in Christchurch. The demonstration is a new way of supporting disabled people that offers them greater choice and control over the support they receive and the lives they lead.      

Read the Minister for Disability Issues media release (17 July 2013) on the Beehive website

Download - Cabinet paper Enabling Good Lives demonstration in Christchurch (July 2013)  [DOCX, 112 KB]

December 2014 - Cabinet paper noting progress on the Enabling Good Lives demonstrations and the design of the Waikato demonstration (December 2014)

In December 2014, Cabinet noted reports on the progress of the demonstration of the Enabling Good Lives approach in Christchurch, and agreed to the high-level design for a demonstration of the approach in the Waikato.

Read the Cabinet paper noting progress on the Enabling Good Lives demonstrations and the design of the Waikato demonstration (December 2014)

Other relevant government decisions      

July 2011 Cabinet decisions

On 18 July 2011, Cabinet agreed to actions to ensure that disabled people are included in the Canterbury recovery, as a focus for the Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues' Disability Action Plan.      

Download - Cabinet paper Disability Action Plan: Including disabled people in the Canterbury recovery July 2011 [DOC, 118 KB]

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