System transformation updates

A high-level design of the new disability support system has been created by a group who took part in a series of co-design workshops.

The new system, which will be rolled out in MidCentral in July 2018, plans to provide disabled people and their families/whanau with more choice and control.

Cabinet Paper July 2017


Gerri Pomeroy and Minister Nicky Wagner at co-design workshop.
Gerri Pomeroy and Minister Nicky Wagner at co-design workshop.

The Minister for Disability Issues Nicky Wagner has revealed the high-level design of the new disability support system after a team worked intensively for several months on the co-design.

There are plans to include an information hub with a number of ways to make contact and be contacted, capability funding for disabled people and whānau to build their skills, and support to expand peer and whānau networks.

The new funding model is expected to reduce assessment and provide opportunities for investment, as well as increasing choice and control.

More about the high-level design announcement .

Workshop 13 June 2017  


Participants at work

Participants at work

Disabled people participating in a series of workshops to create a high-level design for a new disability support system said they felt able to contribute in an equal way to the co-design process.

At the final workshop, the group reviewed the updated high-level design and looked at the roadmap for work going forward.  They said everybody has worked in collaboration and partnership and there was now a clear vision on moving forward.

Find out more :

Workshop 7 June 2017 


Minister Wagner listens to group members

Minister Wagner listens to group members

 The co-design group charged with creating a new disability support system has finalised a high-level design which has been presented to a Ministerial Group.

The Minister for Disability Issues, Nicky Wagner, also came to the latest workshop to meet the co-design group, excluding its officials, and listened closely to what they had to say about issues currently outside the scope of the system transformation.

 Find out more :

Workshop 30-31 May 2017  


Photo of participants at the ODI System Transformation Workshop 30-31 Oct 2017

Good discussion at the workshop

 The co-design group tested, reviewed and refined the high level design of the new disability support system, and found there’s more work to do on some fundamental building blocks.

Find out more :

Workshop 17 May 2017   


Group looks at presentation
Group looks at presentation

Mapping the ideal experience for disabled people and their families/whānau was the focus of the latest workshop to design a transformed disability support system.

The group looked at what would need to be in a new system to be able to deliver an ideal experience, then tested, reviewed and refined the proposals, based on real-life experiences of disabled people.

Find out more :

Workshop 11 May 2017  


Group photo of the co-design workshop
Workshop participants

The group tasked with designing a new disability support system identified a range of key challenges.  These included, but were not limited to, funding, control and choice.  Lessons from a review of evidence were also discussed at the fourth workshop. 

Find out more

Workshop 4 May 2017  


Group photo of the co-design workshop
Group photo of the co-design workshop

Designing for the diversity of the disability community was discussed and we started to map what the new system could look like and what needs to change in the current system to achieve that.

Find out more .

Workshop 26 April 2017  


Workshop participants
Group photo of the co-design workshop

Questions about the scope of the transformation of the disability support system were answered at the second workshop and there was debate over the Mainstream First principle, with a working definition agreed to.

Find out more .


Workshop 11 April 2017


Group photo of the co-design workshop
Group photo of the co-design workshop


The team met for the first time and talked about how to ensure everyone has an equal voice during the workshops.  One of the team said she felt a great responsibility about the work ahead and it came with the weight of the community's expectations.

Find out more


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