Action - Investigate opportunities for technology

The action outlined below will help achieve this outcome. This work was started under the existing Disability Action Plan.

9. Priority: Increase government services’ responsiveness to disabled people

9 G: Investigate opportunities for technology to increase disabled people’s participation in work, community and political life, including through both assistive and access to mainstream technology.

On this page

Progress update

Scope of action

Progress update to September 2018

Status: Minor risks to achieving milestones - Orange


Progress has been delayed since June due to significant resource pressures at ACC. The work remains substantially complete, and new resource has been allocated, to ensure completion by the end of 2018.

Action Milestones:

Scope approved [complete]

  • The scope was agreed with agencies and DPOs.

Draft synthesis piece (November 2018) [on-going]

  • The report has been edited to ensure a plain English approach. Agencies have provided feedback and the report is expected to be circulated to the DPO Coalition in October/November 2018.

Research Survey (October 2018) [on-track]

  • ACC worked with the DPO Coalition, an external research provider, and partner agencies to develop a survey. The purpose of the survey was to understand the types of technology disabled people use and their views on funding frameworks and access pathways.
  • The survey was conducted by UMR Research between November 2017 and January 2018. It was made available in three formats – online, hard copy (standard English and Easy Read), and telephone.
  • The summary and full report for the survey has been circulated to agencies and will be circulated to the full Working Group, Reference Group and DPO Coalition in October 2018, before presentation at the DSS Consumer Consortium in November.

Lead: ACC

DPOs lead: Disabled Person's Assembly

Scope of action

Scope approved. The scope was agreed with agencies and DPOs.

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