Outcome 6 in Action - Attitudes - HCC Accessibility and Inclusiveness Advisory Group

Hutt City Council is seeking expert advice on how to make the City a more welcoming place for people living with disability.
Outcome 6 - Attitudes - Hutt City Council's Accessibilty and Inclusiveness Advis
Outcome 6 - Attitudes - Hutt City Council's Accessibilty and Inclusiveness Advisory Group

An Accessibility and Inclusiveness Advisory Group is being established to advise councillors on issues that directly impact the disability community such as accessibility and usability of Council services and facilities, access to public transport and outdoor spaces and how to make getting around the city easier.

The Group will play a central role in implementing and achieving the outcomes outlined in Council’s Accessibility and Inclusiveness Plan 2017–2027. It is key that the Group focuses on accessibility, not disability, as this means that the outcomes will cater to many demographics, such as older people with low mobility as well.

Hutt City Council Divisional Manager Strategy and Planning Wendy Moore says the group will provide a fresh and important perspective around the design and implementation of services, facilities and infrastructure.

It is estimated 24 percent of Kiwis identify as disabled, translating to around 24,400 people in Lower Hutt alone. This proportion jumps to 59 percent for those aged 65 or over.

“This is a very significant proportion of our residents – a group whose perspectives on how to navigate the city and access services and amenities have, on occasion, been overlooked in the past,” she says.

“It is important that all Hutt Valley residents have an equal opportunity to enjoy our city.”

Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace is supportive of the initiative, saying that people with disabilities need to be considered in council decision-making. “The new Advisory Group is a big step-forward in making sure that council decisions reflect the unique perspectives and needs of those living with disability.”

To make applying for a position on the group easier for people with a learning disability, the Council provided an EasyRead version of the application form, only the second council in New Zealand to offer this form of assistance.

More information about Hutt City Council’s Accessibility and Inclusiveness Advisory Group, visit huttcity.govt.nz/accessibility .


Resources and Guidance to support the implementation of Outcome 6 Attitudes

Download handout with Resources section [PDF, 201 KB]

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