Outcome 8 in Action - Leadership - Roger Marsden

When Christchurch-man Roger Marsden was told he was “too brain damaged and too disabled” and “would never get married”, he didn’t listen. Today he is a community radio broadcaster, has a wealth of experience in governance and advocacy roles, and has been married for nearly 35 years.
Roger Marsden, Leadership in action story for the NZ Disability Strategy
Roger Marsden, Leadership (Outcome 8) in action


In 1980, when Roger left school, he started working at a sheltered workshop earning just $5 for a 40-hour week doing industrial work. He was told then he’d amount to nothing, and that just spurred him on. He did lots of volunteer work and earned himself a Certificate in Small Business.

Roger is now doing something he loves and is a positive role model for those living with disability.

“I have always wanted to work – I like it. I am the creator and radio broadcaster of my own radio show, and I also have a Facebook Group under that name, with followers from all over the world. I’ve had some wonderful opportunities in life – I’ve met and interviewed so many inspirational people from around the world, including New Zealand.”

As well as being a radio broadcaster, in the past he has been a youth leader, an officer for the Boys Brigade, a trainer and facilitator of Tu Tikanga Rights and a President of the Disabled Persons Assembly Christchurch.

Roger’s work, as he explains it, aligns very nicely with the New Zealand Disability Strategy. He says:

“I have a disability and I want to ‘do my bit’ for disabled people. My community radio programme is all about letting the community and beyond know that disabled voices do count…So it’s about educating the community, changing attitudes towards disabled persons, and promoting employment and economic security. All people with disability want is to be treated like everyone else.”

Roger’s positive attitude has helped him through life. He says:

”Just go for it – anything you want to do! Your life, your choice. Use your abilities.”

For further information about Roger's radio programme:

Resources and Guidance to support the implementation of Outcome 8 - Leadership

Download handout with Resources section [PDF, 122 KB]


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