Outcome 5 - Resources and Guidance

Below is a list of resources and guidance to support the implementation of Outcome 5 - Accessibility

Building accessibility

The Building Act, Building Code and Building Standard NZS4121 governs the requirements for building accessibility.

Malatest International has published a Review of Access for People with Disabilities. Available online.

Civil emergency

Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management has some useful publications on its website: Including People with Disabilities and a factsheet on recognising Disability Assist Dogs in emergencies.

Community accessibility

Barrier Free Trust New Zealand encourages, promotes and facilitates the creation of built environments that are accessible and usable by everyone.

Community Matters website includes a Marae accessibility toolkit.

Office for Disability Issues

The Office for Disability Issues website provides a range of resources aimed at improving accessibility
for disabled people:

Transport accessibility

The Ministry of Transport has published a report on The accessibility of public transport for those with a disability. The report summarises the findings of the Accessible Journey stocktake that was undertaken as part of the Disability Action Plan 2014/2018.

Web accessibility

There are two web standards that government organisations need to meet: Web Accessibility Standard 1.0 and Web Usability Standard 1.2.

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