Executive Summary

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Abbreviations and acronyms

CCMG Convention Coalition Monitoring Group
DPA Disabled Person's Assembly
DPO Disabled People's Organisation
DPO Coalition Disabled People's Organisation Coalition
DRPI Disabled Rights Promotion International
HRC Human Rights Commission
IMM Independent Monitoring Mechanism of the UNCRPD
ODI Office for Disability Issues
OTO Office of the Ombudsman
UNCRPD United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

UNCRPD Article 33

New Zealand is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Article 33, one of the Convention’s most innovative aspects, describes how State Parties should implement and monitor the Convention. New Zealand meets its obligations under Article 33(3) by establishing the Convention Coalition Monitoring Group (CCMG) as the third partner in the Independent Monitoring Mechanism (IMM) alongside the Human Rights Commission and Office of the Ombudsman.

The Convention Coalition Monitoring Group

The CCMG is a governance group made up of representatives from seven Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs). The CCMG governs the disabled people led component of the IMM.

The CCMG coordinates an ethical mechanism for collecting disabled people’s input to the monitoring of disability rights. The approach comprises a qualitative research and monitoring programme which collects data directly from disabled people.

About this review

This report summarises a review of disabled people led monitoring. The focus of the review was to provide feedback that could be used to strengthen the monitoring in coming years. The review focused on:

  • Design, operation, governance and reporting of the disabled people led monitoring
  • Relationships between the CCMG and the wider disability sector and government stakeholders
  • Opportunities for developing the monitoring in the future.

The review collected information primarily through interviews with CCMG members, monitoring employees, the IMM members and stakeholders across government and the wider disability sector. It also included a review of the documentation of the monitoring in New Zealand and a scan of the literature on international practice in UNCRPD monitoring.

 Review findings

Elements of monitoring best practiceStrengths of disabled people led monitoring in New Zealand to dateOpportunities for strengthening the monitoring in the futureResponsibility
Governance of the monitoring
Clarity of purpose and direction The disabled people led monitoring has a clear mandate and funding from Cabinet, and support from other IMM agencies. Clarify the functions of the CCMG and the DPO Coalition and how they differ, to strengthen the leadership function of the CCMG. CCMG/DPO Coalition
Clear scope The group members are committed to the success of the project and understand the importance of disabled people led monitoring. Define the scope of the CCMG to clearly distinguish between operational matters to be managed by monitoring team and governance functions to be managed by the CCMG. CCMG/DPO Coalition
Provides strategic leadership The leadership role of the DPO members and the objectives of the disabled people led monitoring have been established by Cabinet. Develop a monitoring framework in partnership with disability sector stakeholders that sets out monitoring priorities and appropriate monitoring measures to deliver the objectives. CCMG/DPO Coalition in consultation with IMM partners and ODI
Has the right people participating

All DPOs are represented in the group.
Some members have governance experience through participation in DPO governance and in the DPO Coalition.
The CCMG members were trained by the project lead in the Disability Rights Promotion International methodology.

Further invest in developing the governance skills of CCMG members.
Consider including some other perspectives which are currently underrepresented (for example family/whānau of disabled people, youth, some ethnic groups (Pacific people, Asians), new immigrants). People could be included as permanent members or seconded to the group.
Include or second research expertise in the group to support the development of a monitoring framework and CCMG technical decision making.

CCMG/DPO Coalition
Efficient and effective  The chair is committed to the group, well regarded and has a long history with the CCMG.  Support the chair’s role in focusing the group on matters within scope by developing clear terms of reference. CCMG/DPO Coalition
Clear expectations of members  Members have a commitment to and passion for disability issues and lived experience of disability.
Agendas and meeting minutes are prepared and circulated with material for review in advance of the meetings. The extent to which members can invest time and resource in preparing for meetings varies.
Set clear expectations about preparation for meetings and hold members accountable has the potential to increase meeting productivity.
Resource members for meeting preparation time is likely to assist.
CCMG/DPO Coalition
Adequate funding CCMG members are paid meeting fees and travel costs are covered.

The budget includes travel costs for meetings.

 Fund preparation time and consider whether compensation is adequate, as the preparation time required may vary between members. 

Manage the individual members’ travel requirements effectively through the fundholder.

CCMG/DPO Coalition
Accountable and transparent  Some members routinely report on the CCMG to their DPOs, who consider they are well informed.

Direct communication to wider stakeholder groups through participation in meetings provides responsive communication.

 Set clear expectations for members’ responsibilities around consulting and reporting back to their organisations to ensure DPO leaderships and memberships are engaged with the monitoring.

Agree processes for direct communication to wider stakeholder groups to ensure transparency and reflection of consensus views.

CCMG/DPO Coalition
Monitoring management
Effective and independent fundholding

ODI took over the role of fundholder and provides administrative support, for the CCMG. No suitable alternative was identified.

Independence of the fundholder from government is viewed by stakeholders as part of the independence of the monitoring as a whole. ODI does not want to be the fundholder and would prefer to administer the fund to the fundholder designated by the CCMG.
There are options available to move the fundholder role to another organisation with the required capacity (a new entity, an NGO or another type of organisation). The organisation must have adequate infrastructure to manage the financial aspects of monitoring management.

Effective project management team, administration and logistics

The outgoing national coordinator and project leader have documented the different components of their role, carrying institutional knowledge forward.
The current project manager has established some of the needed processes.

Empower the monitoring team to make all operational decisions and report them to the CCMG.
Continue to build on the project management foundation that has been established and increase the focus of the CCMG on governance issues, drawing on the expertise of the monitoring team

CCMG/DPO Coalition
Monitoring approach
Develop a monitoring framework

The UNCRPD and the DRPI method provide sources of guidance for the structure of the monitoring framework.

There is support from stakeholders to develop a monitoring framework.

There is room to further modify the DRPI method to increase the value of the monitoring. These modifications should be adopted or rejected by the monitoring governance who could draw on expert input to support their decision making.

A first step is to develop a monitoring framework through a process involving expert advice and consultation with stakeholders to focus and strengthen the monitoring with the support of the disability sector.

CCMG/DPO Coalition in consultation with IMM partners, ODI and the wider sector
Building a monitoring team  The project trained more than 50 monitors in the rights of people with disabilities and how to conduct interviews.

The project team have learned and recorded lessons learned in carrying out the monitoring and all showed dedication and commitment to the project’s success.

Build on the learnings of the project to date in structuring the project team, employing people with the right skills and giving them the mandate to fulfil their roles efficiently. CCMG/DPO Coalition
Collecting, analysing and reporting data  In the last three years, the monitoring completed interviews with 176 disabled people, hearing their perspectives and communicating them to government, the disability sector and the UNCRPD Committee.  

Developing a monitoring framework will guide sampling, information sought, and reporting priorities.
Further adapt the DRPI method to include more perspectives from within the disabled community. Opportunities include incorporating stakeholder consultation, participation of support people, surveys, family/whānau and other group meetings.

CCMG/DPO Coalition
Stakeholder involvement and communication Stakeholders support the purpose of the monitoring and are enthusiastic about learning more.  Stakeholders support the purpose of the monitoring and are enthusiastic about learning more.

Stakeholder awareness of the monitoring and engagement with the process could be strengthened by including more opportunities for their participation throughout.

CCMG/DPO Coalition



International comparisons highlight the strengths of New Zealand’s approach to monitoring New Zealand’s progress against the UNCRPD. The monitoring led by the CCMG demonstrates New Zealand’s commitment to disabled people led monitoring of the UNCRPD.

In capturing the voice of disabled people directly, the monitoring has the potential to make an important contribution to the disability sector by reporting directly on what disabled people’s experience of their rights are in New Zealand.

We found strong support for the monitoring throughout the disability sector, including from government stakeholders. Feedback focused on opportunities to strengthen the monitoring through:

  • Revisiting and strengthening governance arrangements
  • Further developing the structure of the monitoring through consultation and drawing on monitoring expertise to develop a monitoring framework to provide a foundation for the data collection, analysis and reporting
  • Refining data collection methods to provide more opportunities for individuals and organisations of different types to participate
  • Engaging with stakeholders throughout
  • Building on the good work done on reporting to engage a wider audience with the monitoring findings.


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