
International comparisons highlight the strengths of New Zealand’s approach to monitoring New Zealand’s progress against the UNCRPD. The monitoring led by the CCMG demonstrates New Zealand’s commitment to disabled people led monitoring of the UNCRPD.

In capturing the voice of disabled people directly, the monitoring has the potential to make an important contribution to the disability sector.

We found strong support for the monitoring throughout the disability sector, including from government stakeholders. Feedback focused on opportunities to strengthen the monitoring through:

  • Revisiting and strengthening governance arrangements
  • Further developing the structure of the monitoring through consultation and drawing on monitoring expertise to develop a monitoring framework to provide a foundation for the data collection, analysis and reporting
  • Refining data collection methods to provide more opportunities for individuals and organisations of different types to participate
  • Engaging with stakeholders throughout the monitoring
  • Building on the good work done on reporting to engage a wider audience with the monitoring findings.

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