How life is going for the disability community survey results

During May 2020 we invited the disabled community to participate in a weekly survey on the issues and risks being experienced by disabled people in the COVID-19 environment.

These surveys were implemented to improve our understanding of the issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemic as experienced by disabled people and their whānau. The surveys also collect information from service providers and others in the disability sector. The information gathered from the survey responses has helped officials to identify the issues being experienced by the disability community as a result of COVID-19 and what can be done in response to this. The survey results sit alongside other information and issues that government agencies have been made aware of through direct feedback from the community, sector and Disabled People’s Organisations.

Survey results

We thank everyone who supported and participated in the “How is life going for the disability community” survey.

The high level of participation in survey one has not been sustained over the surveys two and three – which is understandable.  However the analysis of the information from the three surveys does provide a useful perspective on the journey through Covid 19 for disabled people, their families/whanau and service providers.

The survey results show that  most of the people participating in the survey have managed well with the COVID-19 pandemic.  The survey is one important source of information.  Care needs to be taken so that the overall results for most people does not mask the real difficulties and issues that some disabled people experienced.   

The information from the surveys has been important and sits alongside  the range of other mechanisms established during COVID-19 to identify risks/issues and actions to respond to those issues and risks.

There has been much to celebrate in terms of what has worked during COVID 19 and much to learn from the difficulties experienced and the difficulties prevented.

We intend to undertake another survey later in June so that we can gain a more complete picture of the disability communities’ experiences throughout the changes in Alert Levels.

Read Minister Sepuloni's statement on the survey results

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